Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tools that work for me...

There have been so many new web 2.0 tools and iPad apps that I've integrated into the classroom and so many others that the students have been using in other classes and sharing with me!

The short list:

  • Stupeflix - bad name, awesome presentations!
  • GoAnimate! - fun for dialogue (if you can overlook the bizarre computerized voices)
  • - my new best grading friend
  • ShowMe - students get their own personal whiteboard to teach lessons on
  • BrainPop! - perfect for flipping the classroom
Looking forward to new apps and programs to play with over the years!


  1. How do you feel about - are you able to use it as a tool to help students understand plagiarism and deepen their digital citizenship?

  2. I couldn't answer this until I talked with my students about it today. Personally, I like it for its ability to cut my grading time in half and to give students responsibility for checking their own plagiarism and grammar. But I can't speak for my kids.

    Turns out, they agree. They like being able to see the exact problems and the sources. They really like the percentage rating and the colors: blue for 0% shared originality, then green, yellow, and red as the percentages go higher.

    I did have to walk them *CAREFULLY* through the GradeMark, but once they figured it out, they ran with it. They mentioned how helpful it was to be able to hover over the purple GradeMark tags and see what the problem was and a link to rules.

    I'm a huge fan, and apparently my kids are too.

  3. That's awesome, glad to hear that it allows students to take control of their own work and therefore their learning! Keep it up!!!
