Thursday, February 14, 2013

Follow the Head Knuckle...

You gotta check out David Sebek.


He's an amazing, innovative source for teachers who want to explore and expand their creativity both in and out of the classroom.

Find him, well, EVERYWHERE...

On Twitter

On Pinterest

On LinkedIn

On his Creativity 2.0 Blog

and even in the news

Tools that work for me...

There have been so many new web 2.0 tools and iPad apps that I've integrated into the classroom and so many others that the students have been using in other classes and sharing with me!

The short list:

  • Stupeflix - bad name, awesome presentations!
  • GoAnimate! - fun for dialogue (if you can overlook the bizarre computerized voices)
  • - my new best grading friend
  • ShowMe - students get their own personal whiteboard to teach lessons on
  • BrainPop! - perfect for flipping the classroom
Looking forward to new apps and programs to play with over the years!