Okay...so now I know how to set up an iTunes account without entering a credit card.
The management ideas are interesting, but I've watched the kids in the library in the morning using the iTouches. They're already very responsible with them, and that encourages me.
There are a few apps that I think will work well in the classroom. I browse the free education apps when I can.
Can't wait to try using a camera in the classroom -- hopefully with a Skype-based author interview!
Haven't done tool 8 yet - looking forward to it though. I feel like this is the best staff development I've ever had - right at the level I need. We use skype for book chats - we've been chatting with a student who returned to Korea last January - had a couple of skypes with him already and discovered that in the Korean version of Harry Potter the last book was divided up and sold as four separate ones! The Macs are easier for skype - I've given up on the camera with my computer thing.