Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Do You Want to Do Today?

Create a short video?
  • Stupeflix (through your SBISD Google Drive account)
  • GoAnimate! (through Edmodo)
  • iMovie

Make an interactive image?

Record a lesson you teach on your computer?

Create a timeline?

Create an infographic or map?

Set up a classroom response room?

Create a brief quiz or survey?

Set up a QR code lesson?

Friday, October 11, 2013

November eWorkshops!

Google Forms: Go Paperless - Wednesday, November 6th
Learn to easily create paperless surveys and easy-to-grade quizzes. Participants will fill out a Google Form, see examples of how to grade, and have time to begin writing their own forms. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

Open Topic eWorkshop - Monday, November 11th
MMS, room 202B. Create flipcharts and lessons or troubleshoot and get help with your technology and Web 2.0 questions. (MacBooks are available for use)
Click here for the Eduphoria link

Google Apps training: Thursday, November 14th
MMS Room 202B: Come and learn how to set up, organize, and use Google Apps in the classroom. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

iPad Apps for the Classroom: Tuesday, November 19th
MMS 202B: Learn and share apps for the iPad that help with subject matter, study skills, and organization. iPads are not available to borrow. Please bring your own device.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

October eWorkshops!

I'm basing the eTrainings I give after school on the results of the survey I sent out last month. With that in mind, here are the October training sessions:

iPad Wrangling - Tuesday, October 8th
Memorial Middle School 202B: Bring your classroom iPads and we'll learn the basics of navigating, creating an Apple ID, finding and buying apps in SBISD, screenshots, and setting restrictions. iPads will NOT be provided for participants. Please bring at least one school iPad to this class.

Open eWorkshop - Thursday, October 10th
Create flipcharts and lessons or troubleshoot and get help with your technology and Web 2.0 questions. (MacBooks are available for use) 

ActiVotes/ActivBoard workshop - Thursday, October 17th
Memorial Middle School 202B: Bring your classroom iPads and we'll learn the basics of navigating, creating an Apple ID, finding and buying apps in SBISD, screenshots, and setting restrictions. iPads will NOT be provided for participants. Please bring at least one school iPad to this class.
Click here to access the Eduphoria link

So You Want to Make a Movie... - Monday, October 23rd
This course will allow you to "kick the tires" of a few Web 2.0 tools available to create short videos in the classroom. Some tools we'll go over are GoAnimate!, Stupeflix, and Jing. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here to access the Eduphoria link