Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How to find your Apps on the new Google Apps layout

Google Apps has changed the way you access your blog and other apps, like Stupeflix.

To find them now, find the top right corner and click the apps icon (the little square made up of nine littler squares):

Then click More on the gray bar at the bottom, and you'll see Blogger. Click that, and you'll go to your blog main page. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Do You Want to Do Today?

Create a short video?
  • Stupeflix (through your SBISD Google Drive account)
  • GoAnimate! (through Edmodo)
  • iMovie

Make an interactive image?

Record a lesson you teach on your computer?

Create a timeline?

Create an infographic or map?

Set up a classroom response room?

Create a brief quiz or survey?

Set up a QR code lesson?

Friday, October 11, 2013

November eWorkshops!

Google Forms: Go Paperless - Wednesday, November 6th
Learn to easily create paperless surveys and easy-to-grade quizzes. Participants will fill out a Google Form, see examples of how to grade, and have time to begin writing their own forms. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

Open Topic eWorkshop - Monday, November 11th
MMS, room 202B. Create flipcharts and lessons or troubleshoot and get help with your technology and Web 2.0 questions. (MacBooks are available for use)
Click here for the Eduphoria link

Google Apps training: Thursday, November 14th
MMS Room 202B: Come and learn how to set up, organize, and use Google Apps in the classroom. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

iPad Apps for the Classroom: Tuesday, November 19th
MMS 202B: Learn and share apps for the iPad that help with subject matter, study skills, and organization. iPads are not available to borrow. Please bring your own device.
Click here for the Eduphoria link

October eWorkshops!

I'm basing the eTrainings I give after school on the results of the survey I sent out last month. With that in mind, here are the October training sessions:

iPad Wrangling - Tuesday, October 8th
Memorial Middle School 202B: Bring your classroom iPads and we'll learn the basics of navigating, creating an Apple ID, finding and buying apps in SBISD, screenshots, and setting restrictions. iPads will NOT be provided for participants. Please bring at least one school iPad to this class.

Open eWorkshop - Thursday, October 10th
Create flipcharts and lessons or troubleshoot and get help with your technology and Web 2.0 questions. (MacBooks are available for use) 

ActiVotes/ActivBoard workshop - Thursday, October 17th
Memorial Middle School 202B: Bring your classroom iPads and we'll learn the basics of navigating, creating an Apple ID, finding and buying apps in SBISD, screenshots, and setting restrictions. iPads will NOT be provided for participants. Please bring at least one school iPad to this class.
Click here to access the Eduphoria link

So You Want to Make a Movie... - Monday, October 23rd
This course will allow you to "kick the tires" of a few Web 2.0 tools available to create short videos in the classroom. Some tools we'll go over are GoAnimate!, Stupeflix, and Jing. MacBooks are available for use.
Click here to access the Eduphoria link

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tech Instructions

I've posted many of my tech instruction pages in my Poland Drop folder so you can access them here:


If you have other tech issues or questions, please let me know. If I can make an instruction sheet for you (with awesome webshots!), I'll post it in the file.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5 Technology Sneaks by Students (and How to Fix Them)

Since students' worlds revolve around their iPads and smart phones, they've found ways to use the classroom technology (especially the iPads) for evil instead of good. Here are some of the tricks I've found and how to thwart that problem.

1. iMessage: Students can iMessage anyone over a WiFi connection - via email address OR  if they can create an account on your iPad.

The fix: set a restriction on your iPad that doesn't allow new accounts to be created. Here's how.

  • Click your "Settings" icon, then "General"
  • Click "Restrictions" then "Enable Restrictions" and enter a 4-digit code. (Remember this code!)
  • Scroll down and click "Accounts"
  • Click "Don't Allow Changes"
  • Now students can't add accounts and can't access iMessage (unless they know your Apple password)

2. X-Ray iPad: Students sometimes think it's hilarious to change the color scheme to negative, making your iPad look like an x-ray.

The fix: simple! Triple-click the home key.

3. Icon Home Screen: If you swipe your icons and you see the odd illusion of the icons both sweeping sideways AND staying behind at the same time, someone has set your home screen to a photo. I've found iPads that have a screen shot taken of the home screen, which is then set as the home screen.

The fix: change your home screen picture and restrict photo usage. This also will keep them from taking pictures of any- and everyone.

  • Go to your photo gallery and delete any pictures that you don't want students to access.
  • Click your "Settings" icon, then "General"
  • Click "Restrictions" then "Enable Restrictions" and enter a 4-digit code. (or enter your code when you're prompted)
  • Scroll down and click "Photos"
  • Click "Don't Allow Changes"
  • Now students can't add or alter photos (unless they know your Apple password)

4. The Upside-Down Screen trick: Rotating the orientation of the screen and the cursor so that it's 90, 180, or 270 degrees off. This happens on PCs.

The fix: hold down CTRL and ALT and press the left arrow or up arrow.

5. Google Docs: Google Docs has a chat feature that can appear when you share your document with others.

The fix: unfortunately, you can't lock out this feature on everyone's account. I tell students not to use it and then just monitor, monitor, monitor. If you see the tell-tale sidebar with multiple messages, it's time for a lecture about proper usage of technology in class.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Follow the Head Knuckle...

You gotta check out David Sebek.


He's an amazing, innovative source for teachers who want to explore and expand their creativity both in and out of the classroom.

Find him, well, EVERYWHERE...

On Twitter

On Pinterest

On LinkedIn

On his Creativity 2.0 Blog

and even in the news

Tools that work for me...

There have been so many new web 2.0 tools and iPad apps that I've integrated into the classroom and so many others that the students have been using in other classes and sharing with me!

The short list:

  • Stupeflix - bad name, awesome presentations!
  • GoAnimate! - fun for dialogue (if you can overlook the bizarre computerized voices)
  • - my new best grading friend
  • ShowMe - students get their own personal whiteboard to teach lessons on
  • BrainPop! - perfect for flipping the classroom
Looking forward to new apps and programs to play with over the years!